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29 Oktober 2007

"Bunuhlah seekor ayam untuk menakuti seribu ekor kera"

Bangsa Ini Memerlukan Zhu
Oleh: Asro Kamal Rokan (Republika Online)

Xiao Hongbo telah dihukum mati pekan lalu. Delapan orang pacarnya --yang
dibiayai dalam kehidupan mewah-- mungkin hanya menangisi lelaki berusia 37
tahun. Tidak ada yang bisa membantunya.

Deputi manajer cabang Bank Konstruksi China, salah satu bank milik negara,
di Dacheng, Provinsi Sichuan, itu dihukum mati karena korupsi. Xiao telah
merugikan bank sebesar 4 juta yuan atau sekitar Rp 3,9 miliar sejak 1998
hingga 2001. Uang itu digunakan untuk membiayai kehidupan delapan pacarnya.

Xiao Hongbo satu di antara lebih dari empat ribu orang di Cina yang telah
dihukum mati sejak 2001 karena terbukti melakukan kejahatan, termasuk
korupsi. Angka empat ribu itu, menurut Amnesti Internasional (AI), jauh
lebih kecil dari fakta sesungguhnya. AI mengutuk cara-cara Cina itu, yang
mereka sebut sebagai suatu yang mengerikan.

Tapi, bagi Perdana Menteri Zhu Rongji inilah jalan menyelamatkan Cina dari
kehancuran. Ketika dilantik menjadi perdana menteri pada 1998, Zhu dengan
lantang mengatakan, ''Berikan kepada saya seratus peti mati, sembilan puluh
sembilan untuk koruptor, satu untuk saya jika saya melakukan hal yang

Zhu tidak main-main. Cheng Kejie, pejabat tinggi Partai Komunis Cina,
dihukum mati karena menerima suap lima juta dolar AS. Tidak ada
tawar-menawar. Permohonan banding wakil ketua Kongres Rakyat Nasional itu
ditolak pengadilan. Bahkan istrinya, Li Ping, yang membantu suaminya meminta
uang suap, dihukum penjara.

Wakil Gubernur Provinsi Jiangxi, Hu Chang-ging, pun tak luput dari peti
mati. Hu terbukti menerima suap berupa mobil dan permata senilai Rp 5
miliar. Ratusan bahkan mungkin ribuan peti mati telah terisi, tidak hanya
oleh para pejabat korup, tapi juga pengusaha, bahkan wartawan. Selama empat
bulan pada 2003 lalu, 33.761 polisi dipecat. Mereka dipecat tidak hanya
karena menerima suap, tapi juga berjudi, mabuk-mabukan, membawa senjata di
luar tugas, dan kualitas di bawah standar. Agaknya Zhu Rongji paham betul
pepatah Cina: bunuhlah seekor ayam untuk menakuti seribu ekor kera.

Dan, sejak ayam-ayam dibunuh, kera-kera menjadi takut, kini pertumbuhan
ekonomi Cina mencapai 9 persen per tahun dengan nilai pendapatan domestik
bruto sebesar 1.000 dolar AS. Cadangan devisa mereka sudah mencapai 300
miliar dolar AS.

Sukses Cina itu, menurut guru besar Universitas Peking, Prof Kong Yuanzhi,
karena Zhu serius memberantas korupsi. Perang terhadap korupsi diikuti
dengan peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Zhu mengeluarkan dana besar
untuk pendidikan manajemen, mengirim ribuan siswa belajar ke luar negeri,
dan juga mengundang pakar bisnis berbicara di Cina.

Kini, lihatlah apa yang terjadi di Indonesia.

Pengangguran terus bertambah, anak-anak gadis dari desa terpaksa menjadi
pelacur di kota, lulusan SMU menjadi pengamen, anak-anak SD yang malu tidak
dapat membayar uang sekolah, bunuh diri. Ratusan ribu orang tumpah ke
kota-kota karena di desa tidak ada harapan. Ratusan ribu orang menjadi
tenaga kerja di luar negeri, ditipu calo dan disiksa majikannya. Mereka
adalah korban. Koruptor menghisap hidup mereka, bertahun-tahun tanpa ada
yang menolong. Koruptor mengambil hak mereka atas tanah, hak mereka atas
air, hak mereka untuk sekolah, hak mereka untuk berdagang, hak mereka untuk
bekerja, hak mereka untuk mendapatkan layanan, hak mereka untuk kesehatan.
Apalagi hak yang tersisa untuk orang-orang miskin itu?

Pemerintah bukan penolong orang-orang miskin, terkadang mereka juga
mengambil uang dari orang-orang miskin. Bangsa ini memerlukan orang seperti
Zhu Rongji, bukan pesolek.

Sebab, inilah keadaan utama Indonesia:

Jatuhkanlah tiga buah batu dari pesawat udara di wilayah Indonesia, maka
yakinlah satu di antara batu itu akan mengenai kepala koruptor!

1 komentar:

Abu Hanif mengatakan...

Payday! (November 1, 2007)
All members that had over $5 in their account are paid.
If you did not receive a payout, check the contact page.
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Some new features (October 24, 2007)
A few small new features:

- You can now see which of your referrer where active the day before or just this month.
- Resetting your top 15 redirects/galleries/... links can now be done separately.
- There is added a link to your ucgalleries blog (or to the general blog if you don't have your own) for every gallery created.
- When using the ucgalleries blog search a "Click here to go to the gallery overview" link has been added at the top of the page.

We hope to add some more features in the near future.
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Payday! (October 1, 2007)
All members that had over $5 in their account have been paid.
If you didn't receive your payout, check the contact page.
post/read comments (49)
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Payday! (September 1, 2007)
All members that had over $5 in their account have been paid
If you did not receive your payout, check the contact page.
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Payday! (August 1, 2007)
All members that had over $5 in their account have been paid.
If you did not receive a payout, check the contact page.
post/read comments (41)
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Payouts - Income rate (July 1, 2007)
All users that had over $5 in their account have been paid. If you did not receive a payout, check the contact page.

Income rate
As stated before, July's income rate is raised to $1 per 6666 top frame / 2666 landing page redirects. This means all users will make 50% more money on the same amount of redirects. Happy earnings everyone!
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Hardware update - New features - July earnings (June 19, 2007)
Hardware update
Our new webserver is installed and fully operational, this didn't cause any downtime.
We are able to handle about 100% extra traffic now.

New features
- We simplyfied the link compiler (2nd option on the create links page), to get access to more advanced and new features click on "switch to advanced ".
- You can now generate redirects out of ordinary links, choose "this text contains no BB or HTML code" in the link compiler.
- When creating a gallery, you can now place it in the blog queue. Every x hours (editable in the layout settings of your blog) a gallery is taken out of your queue and put on your blog, this way your blog updates even when you are not at home for days/weeks/months on a row.
- Your ucgalleries blog now contains a link so visitors are able to see the BB or HTML code of your post. This feature is turned off by default. If you would like to turn it on search for "HTML/BB code" on the layout settings of your blog.
- Creating a linkexchange between your and someone else's ucgalleries blog is now only a matter of a few clicks, check the link exchanges page in your blog management.
- When generating stats less than 10 minutes before you last generated stats you will now see partly cached stats, Today's referring domains and Most popular links will always be in real time.
- The How-to / Tips page is updated.
- Comments in the news will first have to be approved before they will appear online (too much spam)
- Wire transfers directly to your bank account are available for all users of which countries support the IBAN bank account format (30 countries for now). For this moment these wire transfers are at no cost, possibly a cost will be added later. You will never receive a wire with costs without us contacting you first.

July earnings
We will be paying 50% extra for all July 2007 earnings.
Next month our website's income will be changed to $1 for 6666 top frame or 2666 landing page redirects.
post/read comments (31)
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New hardware (June 8, 2007)
Our new database server is succesfully installed. There was no public downtime, only the member area was offline a few hours.
Because of this move we didn't count statistics for about 3 hours. Expect compensation for this once our new webserver is installed in about 2 weeks.

At this moment we can handle about 40% more traffic, once also the new webserver is installed this will become 80 to 100%.
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Payday! (June 1, 2007)
All members that had over $5 in their account have been paid.
If you did not receive a payout this will folow in the next few days, read the contact page for more personal info on your payout.
post/read comments (40)
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E-Gold problems ... (May 26, 2006)
> Read full story here

We will continue to support payouts through e-gold as long as it is possible, however they may take a few more days.
We strongly suggest all e-gold users to switch over to paypal or epassporte as it looks e-gold is not going to be arround much longer.

We will also we experimenting with wire transfers directly to your bank account. Anyone who's interested in this can contact us through the contact page.


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